Multi Channel Setup MEL [maya <-> mudbox2009]
Not only Mudbox 2009 can generate displacement and normal maps, but also it has the ability to paint other channels such ads color, special, reflection etc.
While working with models that has multiple UV tile and you will end up with a huge collection of textures, that needed to be connected in Maya.
I created this MEL with the help of few friends (names are in the MEL ) to connect all these channels automatically with the click of few button.
Note: Tiff files that are created in Mudbox 2009, have a LZW compression. This compression is not supported by mental ray .
노트 : 머드박스 2009에서 생성된 Tiff 파일은 LZW 압축이 되어있다. 이 압축방식은 멘탈레이에서 지원되지 않는다.
Solution: use open EXR or convert these TIFF to another TIFF without compression using Photoshop (CS3 and up)
해결 : openEXR파일을 사용하거나 Tiff 파일을 포토샵을 사용해서 압축이 없는 다른 Tiff 파일로 변환한다.
Maya: make sure to turn ON: use Maya old style alpha detection found under the render section of the preference window.
마야 : Preferences창의 render 섹션에서 Use Maya-style alpha detection on file textures 옵션을 켠다.
Currently Mudbox doesn’t export Ambient occlusion or Alpha maps , however there is an easy work around for both
현재 머드박스는 엠비언트 오클루젼 이나 알파 맵을 뽑을수 없지만 각각 쉽게 작업할수 있는방법이있다
A- Use either “CrazyBump” or “Filter Forge” to convert the displacement map into a an AO map
크레지범프나 필터포지를 사용해서 디스맵을 오클루젼맵으로 변환한다
B- While painting in Mudbox use black and while image to be used as the alpha map.
머드박스에서 흑백 이미지를 만들어 알파맵으로 사용한다
How the MEL works 멜 사용방법
Select a surface and run the script. 서페이스를 선택하고 스크립트를 실행한다.
Choose a file from the exported/saved images generated from Mudbox 2009. 머드박스2009에서 생성된 이미지를 선택한다.
The MEL will recognize the files based on their naming convention
Each file will be placed in the appropriate UV tile based on their name.
Once you hit create, a shading network will be assigned to your selected object. 생성버튼을 누르면 선택된 오브젝트에 쉐이딩 네트워크가 연결된다.